The Telemarketing Prayer
You can be the most experienced and best-trained salesperson in the world and still deliver flat, lifeless presentations, while the rookie next to you could sound inspired and break all sales records using a fraction of your skills. Have you ever wondered why you can descend into a slump while they’re soaring, defying gravity? Could it be a matter of hope and faith? Are they asking for and receiving help?
I’ve found that there is an uncanny connection between those times when I’ve recited a short silent prayer and when I’ve achieved top results with my sales prospects. Here are some of the things I’ve asked for assistance with.
I hope this Telemarketing Prayer will help you as much as it has helped me!
Please help me to communicate better than I’ve ever done before.
Let me be as refreshingly clear as water.
Let me be enthusiastic, showing my commitment to my product and company.
Let me open my ears, to hear the customer and appreciate his or her viewpoint.
Let me be brave enough to strongly and convincingly lead my prospect to buy.
Let me not suffer from sales remorse.
Help me to take comfort in the fact that most people resist buying at first, but are pleased they bought, afterwards. Help me to appreciate that sales are the spark plugs of all business activity. Without sales, businesses and the people they employ can’t move forward.
Remind me constantly that there is only one person as important as a salesperson and that is a customer. We need each other, and when we serve each other it is because we have seen that our interests are aligned. We improve each others’ lives.
Help me to appreciate that the phone is the best medium for selling. The weather, time, and topography are completely irrelevant. It is always the right time to Reach Out and Sell Someone (TM).