Immediate Highly Targeted Traffic For Any Product
Ezine marketing is an established and very popular way of bringing targeted traffic to your website. By targeted traffic we mean traffic from people who are genuinely motivated to buy a product or service.
The term ‘ezine marketing’ covers three distinct ways in which you can take advantage of the exposure that ezines have. You can market through ezines with:
· Article marketing
· Advertising through ezines
· Joint ventures with publishers
The very first area we are going to look at is what most business owners think about when they hear the term ‘ezine marketing’, and that is ezine article marketing.
Article marketing
This is one of the oldest and most trusted methods one can use to help drive traffic to a website. It is preferred by many companies still, simply because it is free and, if it goes well, you are able to use it to build up a brand quite easily. Simply put, you write an article that is linked to the niche or market you work in, and you write it from the point of view of an expert. Essentially, you are creating content about something you know. For example, if you sell fishing supplies, you might write and article called The best type of rod for a beginner.
Once you have written this article you then submit it to an article directory or ezine. The ezine will then check it through and assess it against their article submission criteria. If it is good enough they will publish, allowing you to place a few details at the bottom of the article, such as your business name and contact details. Crucially, you are also often allowed to include a link to your website.
The key thing to understand here is that some ezines get tremendous traffic. If your article or series of articles is popular enough on the ezine, that tremendous traffic is converted into targeted visitors to your website. They are targeted because they have come through a link from your article, which is obviously of interest to them.
eZine advertising
This is another cost-effective form of marketing. It involves you placing an ad with the ezine, who then run the ad on pages that are specific to your business. There are many different kinds of ads to choose from. You can decide to take out a banner ad, for example, which is prominent and eye-catching. You can also choose to take out the smaller classified ads that these ezine publishers offer.
It is important that, if you are considering using ezine advertising, that you choose an ezine that is relevant to your business. This means that your ad will look right on the appropriate pages, and will therefore seem like a natural spot on the webpage to click. If a customer sees your ad as a solution to a problem they are reading about, in other words, they will click on your ad.
The ads can fall into one of the following categories:
- Classified – Usually about three or four lines of text, this ad is pretty much the same as you would find in the classified section of a newspaper or magazine. It is usually found towards the back of the ezine.
- Sponsored ad – These are the real deal. Found at the front of the ezine, they are seen by anyone who reads it. Highly targeted, they have a ready audience and pride of place.
- Banner ads – These are most often placed at the top of marketing emails sent by the ezine itself. Remember that the ezine has a list of ready customers, and you will understand why a banner ad is a prized arrangement.
- Solo ads – This is truly unique, in that it is a sales letter that you send out to the ezine’s list that specifically sells your product or service and no one else’s.
Joint ventures
If you find an ezine that is relevant to your customer base, and if that ezine has some presence and a substantial mailing list, you may want to consider a joint venture. This is where you work out a deal where you may pay the ezine to have your ad emailed to that subscriber list. The result is massive exposure people who are interested in your product or service. If it is not a paid agreement it will usually involve a split of profits.
Ezines have been around for sometime now and they are still tremendously popular. Choose one that fits your business and consider the three ways outlined in this article. If you get the combination right you should be able to establish ezine marketing as another powerful marketing tool for your arsenal.