Team Building Teamwork
Team building teamwork is increasingly becoming an important facet of twenty-first century organizational life. While it is good to have superstar employees and highly effective individuals, it would be far better to achieve results with teams. If done right, teams can achieve infinitely more than individual individuals could.
An organization, therefore, needs to nurture the team mindset from among its employees. The members of the organization belong to a broad group-the company. They can feel loyal to it simply because they are working for that organization. Yet, they also need to feel that they also belong with each other. This is where organizational culture comes in. When teams are part of the culture of the organization, people can easily identify with each other. As such, they can simply bond together with other employees and work together.
Smooth working relationship is a prerequisite for any team. It is difficult to work in a team full of competition and friction. Sure, people can be professional and still work with others in spite of their personal views and situation. But a group can work better together if it were cohesive and free from unnecessary conflict.
An effective team cares for its members. It is oriented towards results, performance and productivity. But that is balanced by a sincere care for its members. When members feel cared for, they will feel more loyal to the group and work better to achieve the goals of the organization.
Each member contributes to the success of the team. The members of a group may not perfectly fit for the group. Some members may even drag the group down because they may feel that their skills and talents are not right for the purposes of the team. The leader, then, has to find a way to integrate the gifts, talents and skills of individual members so as to streamline operations and ensure that the goals are achieved.
Team Building Teamwork activities are therefore necessary to help make a group more cohesive. It helps the members to get to know each other better. They will also begin to understand each other better. That way, they can establish a good working relationship and really start functioning as a unit.
Teamwork is fun. It can bring out the best in people, especially if they undergo the team building teamwork process. There will be conflicts at times but it is up to the leader and the members to find some common grounds that could make the group work together more smoothly.
Have you had good experiences with teams? What made it successful? What made it fail?